Bangor Camden/Rockland Augusta/Waterville Brunswick Portland Kennebunk Portsmouth, NH Auburn Moultonborough, NH

In Home Senior Care Mission Statement | Aging Excellence

Aging Excellence's mission is to keep adults active, independent and in their own home and community. Aging Excellence is committed to the delivery of services and products that provide physical, social, or personal value to maximize functional independence and socialization

We truly believe that the old idea of "care taking" has disappeared. We are in a new era of service delivery that offers opportunities for client's to be engaged in the health and wellness process. Aging Excellence acknowledges and supports the premise that wellness requires continually learning and making changes in your life.

In keeping with our mission, The Aging Excellence SWIFT®(Sustainable Wellness and Individual Fitness Training) program was implemented to:

  1. Educate all our caregivers on the seven dimensions of wellness (Environmental, Physical, Intellectual/occupational, Emotional, Social & Spiritual) and provide tools to aide them in improving how clients eat, think and move.
  2. Educate Clientele on the seven dimensions of wellness and offers information, resources and activities to help them maintain optimal wellness. One of the key components of our wellness program is offering activities from one of the seven dimensions of wellness each month, and promoting physical activity as an essential component of Healthy Aging.

Our vision is to provide the best approach, products and non-medical support services to assist individuals and communities in aging successfully.